From Principal’s Desk


Dr. Meena Ganapathy

Our institute which is founded in 2000 is one the best nursing educational institute in India. It has excellent infrastructure, clinical field and fulltime faculty and guest lecturers.We are the pioneers of private graduate nursing education in the state of Maharashtra. We are striving to ‘develop outstanding holistic, empowered professional nurse leaders in providing excellent, compassionate health care at local, national and global level.
Our Objectives are:

  • Create an inclusive environment that reflects that vision, mission, goals and values of the institute.
  • Develop professional nursing graduates with expertise to empower health and promote health with quality and access through leadership, research, policy and provision for health care.
  • Promote nursing and inter professional research and evidence based practice.
  • Provide leadership in transformation of nursing education, health care and life styles.
  • Increase visibility and participation of our students, faculty and other nursing colleges and academic leaders as advocates for problem solving and innovations in nursing.
  • Facilitate opportunities for students, faculty and other private nursing colleges to participate in (local university), state and national academic and health policies concerned to nurses.
  • Provide student centered quality nursing education to contribute to the needs of nursing manpower development of the country.
  • Promote overall development of the nursing students by training in education, practice and research.
  • Uphold and instill respect for life from conception to death in the faculty and students.
  • Move into leadership positions in nursing, empowered to contribute towards meeting the issues and challenges confronting nursing profession
  • To help students acquire knowledge of theory and principles of nursing and allied subjects in the delivery of comprehensive nursing practice.
  • To provide quality care to clients at various settings such as hospital, community and other health care agencies based on problem solving approach and evidence based care.
  • To promote overall development of nursing students.
  • To help students to practice ethical values in their personal and professional life.
  • To prepare students to assume leadership positions in nursing service, education and administration with high level of professional knowledge and competency.
  • These goals and objectives are communicated to students, faculty, staff and other stakeholders. It is communicated through display of mission statement at institute and as statement in letter heads. It is communicated through induction programs to new students’ and faculty. It is incorporated in the curriculum and translated in teaching and learning activities of the institute. It is communicated to other nursing colleges who are members of the Nursing Association run by the institute in regular meeting through mail and its website. It is communicated to stakeholders to through letter, mails and direct communication information of meetings.
We have all required infrastructure facilities for achieving the above goal and objectives at the Institute.

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