AQAR 2020-21


Criteria 1

1.1 Any other relevant information
1.2. Minutes of curriculum committee meeting

Criteria 2

2.2.3 Appropriate documentary evidence
2.3.3 List of teachers and details of ICT
2.3.3 List of teachers using ICT unable tools
2.3.5 Appropriate documentary evidences
2.3.5 Any other relavent documents
2.5.1 Date of conduct of internal assessment
2.5.1 Academic calender
2.5.3 Information on exam reform
2.6.1 Course outcome
2.6.1 Method of Assessment
2.6.1 Relevant documents pertaining learning outcome and graduate attributes
2.6.3 Minutes of curriculum committee meeting
2.6.4 Followup reports on action taken and out come analysis
2.6.4 Proceedings of PTA

Criteria 3

3.4.3 e-copies of the award letters
3.4.3 List of award

Criteria 4

4.1.1 College inventory
4.1.1 List of availability of teaching learning facilities
4.1.2 List of available of sports and cultural facilities
4.2.1 Hospital facilities
4.3.1 Software details
4.3.1 Geotag photos of library facility
4.3.2 Accession register
4.3.2 Details of all library resources
4.3.2 Journal list
4.3.2 library ambience geotag photos
4.3.5 Best Library User Awards
4.3.5 Library Activities
4.3.5 Library usage details
4.4.2 Documents for updation of IT and Wi-Fi facilities
4.5.2 Log book or other records regarding maintenance work
4.5.2 Minutes meeting of maintenance

Criteria 5

5.1.2 Institutional weblink
5.1.5 Circular committee report justifying the objective of the metric
5.3.2 Any other information
5.3.2 SNA Activity report 2020-2021
5.4.1 Alumni association activity
5.4.1 Frequency of meetings of alumni activity
5.4.2 donation of book by alumni

Criteria 6

6.1.1 Achievements which led to institutional excellence
6.1.1 Vision and mission documents approved by the college bodies
6.1.2 Effective leadership and participative management
6.2.1 Additional (staff responsibilities)
6.2.1 Meeting minutes of college council
6.2.1 Oraganisational structure
6.2.1 Strategic plan documents (Perspective plan of 2021 25)
6.2.2 organogram
6.3.2 List of beneficiaries of welfare measures
6.3.1 Policy documents on staff welfare-measures
6.3.5 PA for teaching staff
6.4.1 Procedures for optimal Resource utilization
6.4.1 Resource mobilization policy documents
6.4.2 Internal and external audit of year
6.5.1 Structure mechanism for IQAC
6.5.1 Miniutes of IQAC meeting

Criteria 7

7.1.2 Annual gender sensitization action plan(1)
7.1.2 Annual gender sensitization action plan(2)
7.1.2 Annual gender sensitization action plan(3)
7.1.3 Geotagged photos
7.1.4 Other relevent information
7.1.4 Geo tag photo of the facilities
7.1.4-Relevent documents like agreements with approved agencies
7.1.5 Geo tag Photos
7.1.6 Geo tag photo of facilities
7.1.8 Relevant information
7.1.8 Supporting documents
7.1.9 Code of ethics and conduct
7.2.1 Best practices
7.2.1 Relevant information of best practice
7.3.1 List of mentor mentee final
7.3.1 Web page in the institutional website

Criteria 8

8.1.1 Geotagged photos
8.1.1 Policy on use of clinical skills and simulation labs
8.1.1 Student feedback on simulation facility
8.1.3 quality of care and patient safety practices follwed by teaching hospital
8.1.3 quality of care and patient safety practices follwed by teaching hospital DMH
8.1.6 AQAR Additional information College facility utilized
8.1.6 List of college facilities used
8.1.6 List of institutions utilizing college facility

Part A12 Plan of Action and Achievements

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