Staff Welfare Committee

As a part of staff development programme the faculty members are provided opportunities for attending various workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences conducted by various institutions and agencies in and outside the state and country.

Aim: The aim is to update their knowledge with recent advancements in Nursing, Medical and allied fields.


  • To conduct regular staff meeting.
  • To provide opportunities for attending various workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences conducted by various institutions and agencies in and outside the state and country.
  • Research Cell: It is constituted with a view to improve the nursing practices, education and administration. The objectives of the research cell are to enhance research mindedness among the faculty and to conduct researches to enhance quality patient care, improving nursing education and management skills.
  • Continuing Nursing Education Cell (CNE): The main aim of CNE cell is to conduct in-service education programmes for the faculty.
  • Health: To arrange yearly health checkup and provide mediclaim facilities for all the teaching and non-teaching staff.
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