Criteria 1
- 1.1.1 Any other Curruiculum committee member
- 1.1.1 minutes of Curriculum committee meeting
- 1.1.2 weblink details of participation of teachers.
- 1.2.1. Any other Interdisciplinary and interdept courses
- 1.2.2 Link for Additional information Reports
- 1.3.1. Link for Any other Human rights conf report
- 1.3.1 List of courses with descriptions
- 1.3.2 Link for additional information syllabus
- 1.3.4 Link for any other Community permissions
- 1.3.4 link of Internship and project completion
- 1.4.1 Link for adiitional information
- 1.4.2 Link for additional information
Criteria 2
2.1.1 Link for any other relevant information
2.1.3 Domicile certificates 20-21
2.1.3 Domicile certificates_19-20
2.1.3 Domicile certificates 17-18
2.1.3 Domicile certificates 16-17
2.2.1 Guideline to identify slow _ Advance performer
2.2.3 any other relevant information
2.3.3 Link for web page describing LMS
2.2.3 Appropriate documentary evidence
2.3.1 link for other relevant information student centricmethods
2.3.3 ICT enabled tools used for teaching and learning>
2.3.5 link for appropriate documantory evidances
2.3.5 link for any other 1
2.4.4 Weblink to the content delivered by faculty hosted contents in HEI
2.5.1 Academic calender 2016-21
2.5.1 Date of conduct of internal assessment_compressed
2.5.3 Link for information on exam reform
2.6.1 Link for course outcome for all course
2.6.1 Link for method of assessment of learning outcome._compressed
2.6.1 Link for method of assessment of learning outcome Anual report of exam placed before BOM
2.6.4 Link for proceding of PTA
Criteria 3
3.1.1.Guide approval letter final.
3.1.1.Additioanl info. List of PG and Ph.D Guide
3.1.1.Full time list of teacher final 2016-21
3.2.1 photos Innovation
3.2.1 photo of research workshop
3.2.2.Research workshop
3.2.2.Photo of research workshop
3.2.2.Research workshop certificate
3.3.1 Additional info.IEC minutes
3.3.1 SOPs and code of ethic
links 27 articles
3.3.3. Additional info. list of research article.
3.4.1. Additonal info certificates
3.4.1 Photos
3.4.1 Detail reports
3.4.2. Additonal info certificates
3.4.2 Detail report
3.4.3 E-copies of award letters
3.4.3.List of awards in last 5 years
3.4.4. Detail of Institutional responsibility
3.4.4 Photos of institutional activities
3.5.1 Additional info. Collaborative activities
3.5.2 E-copies of MOUs
Criteria 4
4.1.1. Any other College inventory final
4.1.1. List of availability of Teacghing learning facilities
4.2.1 Hospital facilities
4.1.2 List of available of sports and cultural facilities
4.3.1. other relavent software details
4.3.1 Geotagged photographs of library facilities
4.3.2 other relevent info
4.3.2 library geotag photos
4.3.2. Data on aquisition
4.3.5 other relevant Best Libaray User Awards 2020-2021
4.3.5. Details of library usage by teachers and students
4.3.5. Details of learners sessionslibrary user programme organized
4.3.6. e-content repository used by the teachers
4.4.2 Documents fo updation of IT and Wi-Fi facilities.pdf
4.5.2 Log book or other records regarding maintenance works
4.5.2 Minutes meeting of mintenance
Criteria 5
5.1.1. link for additional information
5.1.2 Link for additional information for international student cell new for any other information
5.1.5 Objectives, annual reports, committees, students list of grievance redressal and anti-ragging
5.3.1 link for additional info
5.3.2 link for reports on the student council activities
5.3.3 link for additional information
5.4.1 link for any additional information
5.4.1 frequency of meetings of alumni activity
5.4.1. quantum for financial contribution
5.4.1.alumni association activity
5.4.1.audited statement of account
Criteria 6
6.1.1 Achievments leds to institute excellence
6.2.1 Any other college committee meeting minutes
6.2.1 6.2.1 Minutes of the college council for deployment of the strategic plan
6.2.2 Any other (Samstha_s directory)
6.3.1 List of beneficieries of welfare measures (2)
6.3.1 Policy documents on staff welfare measures
6.3.5 PA for non teaching staff
6.3.5 PA for teaching staff pdf (2016-17 to 2020-21)
6.4.1 optimal Resource utilization
6.4.1 resource mobilization policy
6.4.2 internal and external audit of institute
Criteria 7
7.1.1 Link for additional info- List & photos of program
7.1.2 Specific facilities provided for women (1)
7.1.2 link for relevant info- photos of the facility.
7.1.4 Organized agreements with approved agencies
7.1.4 Geo tag photo of the facilities
7.1.5 link for additional info- Water tank cleaning
7.1.6 link for additional info- Award of green campus
7.1.7 link for additional info Facilities of disabled
7.1.8 link for additional info Days celebration Reports
7.1.8 link for supporting docs- photos of National days celebration and activities
7.1.9 link for additional info-photos
7.1.9 website for code of ethics and conduct_compressed
7.1.10 link for Any additional info -Days celebration photos
7.2.1 Link for any relevant information
7.3.1 Link for web page- Mentor Mentee log book
7.3.1 Link for relevant information
Criteria 8